Recipe: Bi Chay – Vegetarian shredded tofu mixture for spring rolls

Bi Chay from Enjoy Life

Bi Chay, is the vegetarian version of “Bi” (shredded pork for spring rolls). “Bi chay” is made from tofu, sweet potatoes, carrots, jicama, roasted rice, and cellophane noodles. Bi Chay is very tasty, used to make vegetarian spring rolls for a party at home.

Bi Chay is used in vegetarian dish like Bún bì chay (noodle salad bowl), Bì cuốn chay (vegan spring roll), and Cơm tấm bì chay (rice dish).


Cooking Tips

  1. Use Japanese /Vietnamese sweet potatoes, do not use yam (very mushy)
  2. Most recipes instructed to deep fried jicama.  Do not deep fried Jicama since it absorbs cooking oil easily.  The best way to cook jicama is to cook it in microwave for 6 minutes then stir fried it with other ingredients.

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